The Use of Animal Hair in Ceramic Manufacturing at the Tytkesken-2 Neolithic Site, Western Siberia
The Use of Animal Hair in Ceramic Manufacturing at the Tytkesken-2 Neolithic Site, Western Siberia
K.Yu. Kiryushin, Yu.F. Kiryushin, and I.G. Glushkov .
The comb pottery found at Tytkesken-2 horizons 7, 6, 4A, and 4 reveals traces of animal hair. Hair was used as armature at the shaping stage: it was wound around the body of the vessel to prevent cracking during baking and drying (pastes were prepared without the use of hair). As the Tytkesken-2 ceramics demonstrate, using hair as armature was a local tradition, practiced in some measure from the Early to the Final Neolithic period.