Medieval Sanctuary at Eshmess Cave in the Pechora Urals
Medieval Sanctuary at Eshmess Cave in the Pechora Urals
A.M. Murygin.
The article focuses on a unique historical source, a sacrifi cial site dating to the 10th–11th centuries located at Eshmess Cave in the Pechora River basin. Finds include coins, silver artifacts with gilding and graffi ti, zoo- and anthropomorphic décor, arrowheads, animal bones, and wooden idols. The collection of metal artifacts from the cave can be interpreted as an intentionally selected set of ritual objects. The Eshmess sanctuary was worshipped by a homogeneous ethnic group, whose beliefs resembled those of groups inhabiting the Polar Urals. Comparison with the Northern Ural sanctuaries suggests that this was both a local and a regional sacred center.
Keywords: Northeast of Europe, Middle Ages, sanctuary.